What is a GradTable?

I thought you'd never ask !!

Gradtables are basic tables to which

a gradient background and gradient angle

have been added.

There are several ways to do that.

Let's take a look of some of them.

The simplest gradtable, is a table

with a gradient background only.

This is a simple gradtable with

bgcolor and gradcolor.

The gradangle is 0 by default.

By making the bgcolor

of our table the same as the bgcolor

of our page we get demension.

Here is the same table with the

gradangle defined as 180.

Now lets stack those tables

Now, let's write those two tables as one.

Here are the codes for the above table.

Here's a table with the gradangle at 90.

Here's the same table with gradangle -90.

Now let's write those two tables as one.

Here are the codes for the above table.

Here are some examples of GradTable Art.

Iris Egg Jurassic

Want to learn more?

Paulies Newsgroup..Interface..

..Here..are some simple tutorials.

Want help learning? Call a Tooter!
